What Does Success Mean?

Photo by lasse bergqvist on Unsplash

I’ve been racking my brain trying to answer this.

We commonly think of success as the 1% — Raffi Ahmad, Maharani Kemala, Juragan99, Arief Muhammad. People with more money than they need and more fame than they want.

Everyone wants to make the next hit mixtape and become Opportunity the Singer or create the next RANS of RANS of RANS and become RANS-rich.

But I see a cook at a local restaurant, cracking jokes, and eggs, smiling at the customers while he whips up some magical fried rice. He seems content with his own restaurant, and no one will question how happy he is to spend his day cooking. He’s not rich, not famous, not a startup founder.

But can we really say he’s not successful?



Rian Surachmad

I’m not totally useless. You can always use me as a bad example. Anyway, I collected every stone thrown at me and made myself an empire.