
Shine a light on your loneliness. Then, evolve.

Rian Surachmad
2 min readFeb 23, 2022
Photo by Axel van der Donk on Unsplash

I learned a valuable lesson dealing with loneliness. I discovered something about myself that had been holding me back for more than two months. I used to hate being alone. If I was left alone at home, at work, or even when friends separated during a distance, I was weighed down my loneliness.

The weight brought on questions like, “am I even worth it? Do I matter? Why me?”

These are questions I asked, among others, for a long time. It wasn’t until I started asking “why” and looking through my past for answers.

Why did I feel lonely? Why did I hate being alone? Why did I get depressed or anxious when alone?

I learned two things from loneliness:

  1. Ask what is causing the loneliness (search your entire life for examples of the same feeling in different moments).
  2. Ask why you still hold onto these feelings, even though that moment has passed.

These two steps changed my life.

I spend some of the time “alone,” but I no longer see being alone as a punishment or potential negative situation full of depression or anxiety. I see my alone time as an opportunity to better myself, my craft, or the world around me. When I asked what and why of my loneliness, it eventually gave me a reason why it still haunted me. And as most people know, once you point a flashlight at the monster under the bed, we realize it’s an old jacket, not a creature wanting to eat us. Shine a light on your loneliness. Figure out what’s causing it and why it’s causing it. Then, evolve.



Rian Surachmad

I’m not totally useless. You can always use me as a bad example. Anyway, I collected every stone thrown at me and made myself an empire.