It Hurts the Same — When They Left or You Walked Away!

People leaving can be the best thing ever. Stop feeling guilty and focus on the lesson!

Rian Surachmad
3 min readJun 15, 2022
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Every day we wake up and get on with our day as usual. We face numerous situations that cause anger, hurt, pain, loss, love, and other infinite emotions in the day. Day turns to night, and we drift away to dreamland.

The sun rises and what occurred the previous day seems trivial, but the lessons we learned from every situation stay. Despite the pain, hurt and loss, we still find it in our hearts to remain good.

Where does this pool of being good come from? Mind you; it’s hard being a good person. Hurting is easy. Kindness is hard and thus rare.

Sometimes Even with the Right Intentions We End Up Hurting People

Growing up, values were an integral part of my life, such as respecting elders, staying humble, enjoying simplicity, and many more. That’s where I realize that being good is hard, but the results are long-lasting and what’s strange is that even though your intentions were genuine, people leave, leaving you surprised and devastated.

You wonder how anyone could have it in their hearts to hurt you when you only wanted the best for this person. It hurts, I know, but the person walking away is the best thing that can ever happen to you. Just wait, and the reasons for why things happened will appear.

I thought people leaving were the result of something I said and behaved. But what we forget is that any relationship is made up of two people. It’s about time we understand that the fault wasn’t ours alone. What’s important is that we realize what we did wrong, learn from our mistakes and move on to live new experiences. The person leaving wasn’t your fault alone.

When It’s Time for You to Leave

Then there are times when you are the one who left. Some people draw good from you but fail to reciprocate. There is a limit to how much pain your heart can take. Once you reach your threshold point, you realize that staying with a rotten fruit will start eating into your good too. It’s like how we imbibe certain qualities from the people we associate with. If we hang out with toxic people, the toxicity injects itself into our systems too. The cleanse will only happen if we walk away and refuse to associate with them.

We are walking away or people leaving; both leave us feeling awful. We keep thinking, why me and why did we have to endure this when we gave our everything. But we all know that we grow when we fail or when we live through heart-wrenching experiences. Until and unless we surrender to any situation and accept how we feel, the lessons we are supposed to learn never enter our rational minds.

That’s the thing with pain too. When it happens, we hate it. We boil in anger. But over time, we realize how it’s making us better and how life gets easier from now on. Now we know those who will stay with us in the long run and who are just for a season or to teach us a lesson. Whatever the outcome, now we know that it’s for the best, and if we are in pain, it just means that it’s only going to get better from now on.

People leaving can be the best thing ever. Stop feeling guilty and focus on the lesson!



Rian Surachmad

I’m not totally useless. You can always use me as a bad example. Anyway, I collected every stone thrown at me and made myself an empire.